Sunday, July 26, 2015


I have been intrigued by Chile ever since I started reading the novels by Isabel Allende when I was a teenager. I have been fascinated by the history and that Chile is much like a Southern Hemisphere California. However, when I arrived in Chile, I was surprised how much I loved Santiago, and immediately.

Santiago Favorites: 

Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino 

Quality and charming artifacts and very informative signs
Little statues chewing coca leaves.
Wooden statues placed ontop of Mapuche tombs. The statues are believed to represent the spirit of the person who died. 
Inca quipus, or knotted cords, were a record of accounts 

La Bicicletta Verde - Parks & Politics 
With Fabian, my fantastic guide, and followed by Rojo, the little stray who joins the tour everyday 

Palacio de la Moneda

Centro Gabriela Mistral 
First built for a NATO conference in 1972 ( during the presidency of Salvador Allende ) and finished in under a year due to thousands of volunteers. Then it was used as headquarters during the Dictatorship. Now, it is a cultural center.

Hands representing the Disappeared and those who suffered during the Dictatoship ( flipped so that they now represent hands of victory) 

Beautiful Parks 

Cathedral Metropolitana 

Tours 4 Tips - Offbeat Santiago
With Rodrigo, another fantastic guide, we visited the markets, tried Chilean street (sopas), visited the Cementerio  General and finished the tour with terremotos ( sweet white wine, pineapple icecrem and sometimes grenadine). Why are they called terremotos (earthquakes)? Because if you have too many, you may start to shake and topple over when you get up! 

'If all else fails, there is Mercado de la Vega'
Mercado de la Vega

Cementerio Gerneral 

President Salvador Allende's final resting place
The cemetery is 210 acres ( over 150 football fields) ! 
Benjamin's parents have a 'birthday party' every year on the anniversary of his death and invite the other parents who have lost their children to celebrate his brief life with them
Children who died of hunger during a transportation strike in 1972. Every year, their graves are decorated with Christmas decorations. 
The Disappeared 

La Chascona 
House of Pablo Naruda's lover 

Cerro San Cristobal 

Views over Santiago 
Prayers and thanks to the Virgencita 

Lunch at the Mercado Central 

Museo de la Memoria y Los Derechos  Humanos   


September 11, 1973: Military coup, and as a result, hundreds of thousands of Chileans were exiled, detained, tortured and/ or executed. 

La Moneda, Allende's last words:

The bombing of La Moneda:

More here:

Copa Americana 

Early celebration 
Jackets for little dogs: Even the pups can dress up and celebrate! 
Plaza de Armas - Chile winning the Copa Americana against Argentina! 
Watching the Copa with my 'body guards' in the Plaza de Armas 

Barrio Paris-Londres 

Plaques in memory of the Disappeared 

My boutique hostel: Paris Londres

With sweet cats 

Emporio de la Rosa 

Delicious honey icecream 

The Stray dogs of Santiago:
Are given food, coats to keep warm during the winter, medical attention, and many have been adopted as security dogs. And, yes, they even wait to cross the road with the lights!

Little dog houses for homeless dogs in the park 

More here:

Next post: the little dogs of Chile! 

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